Reserve Your Seat Today For Our Blogging Classes On Mon-Wed-Friday

How To Create An Interactive Digital Multimedia Learning Environment

How To Create An Interactive Digital Multimedia Learning Environment
Including: Audio,Video Uploads, Podcast, Human Animation, Banner Ads, Current & Emerging Blog Related Features, Etc.

Innovative Blogging Coach Sy Bounds Shares Key Insights & Tips In Class


Friday, March 21, 2008

In Order To Blog Effectively You Must Start Blogging, Period!

The Way I See It!

  • Starting a blog is a fairly simple thing to do. Although it's different from using email. The sign-up process is about the same. But that's where the comparison ends. Just because you have mastered email, doesn't mean that you will take to blogging. And vice-versa. What does it take to really begin to use blogging to promote my message or business? And where do I look to get that process started in a knowledgeble way?
  • Before I talk about how to get your blogging projects started, I'd like to clear something up, that I think confuses people. And it does not matter how sharpe they are otherwise. Here's the point......You must at least learn the basics of blogging in order to utilize it's potential. No one can make you sit down with me, so that I can .....Walk you thru that processs. (It does require your undivided attention), hopefully you allow yourself to open up, by sharing your vision with me.
  • Although, I can help you to become a pretty sharp blogger, I am able to help you more when you tell me more, about your direction. And there is one thing that really has stood out as I've observed and taught folks over the years. It goes like this......You have a great idea! Or you know what you want to accomplish. So you have watched various elements of blogging, or you've heard about some of them. And now you, think that you can create something special by combining your vision, project or projects by using blogging. Here's what I must say to you on that issue. Blogging is probably from another planet. And I have been blogging almost daily since 1997. And I have never met anyone who has utilized blogging effectively without learning the process.
  • The minutes or more that you spend with me. So that I can walk you thru the basic process are totally unique. And the blogging specific advice that I will share with you is based on 11 years of blogging. You could pay thousands of dollars and still not get a small portion of what I will share with you or your staff. I really don't have the desire to debate or prove anything. If you truly come to learn, about blogging, then I will teach you. I wish you the best!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Blogging Has Emerged As One Of The World's Most Effective & Cheapest Ways To Communicate

Blogging has emerged as undoubtedly one of the most important ways of communications in the world. It's a totally fascinating experience. As I encounter all types of very talented artist of all types in my community. It really saddens me to see how they avoid blogging / podcasting technology. While the reality is that blogging is so powerful that it can take an artist with little skills and present them far better than they have ever looked. Blogging has a tendency to make things look very, very impressive. Most art will find a buyer!

But as I mentioned before. Blogging requires all participants to go step by step. Once you do that, then your creative thoughts will take over. And your imagination will flourish and fly!

Don't Even Think About Adding Gadgets, Widgets & Such, Until You Choose A Platform

The degree of choices that our 'update', participates will be taught are many, yet we will expound at each introduction and encourage your questions at all times. Our style is direct, clear and cutting-edge technology.

As a longtime observer and blogging participant. It was clear to me since 2000 that businesses and entrepreneurs would benefit from the blogging experience. But I must ad that in order to process and truly use this technology you should be: Proactive, open minded, and curious to learn, as well as possess a capacity for absorbing lots of incoming information without becoming overloaded.

Few technology oriented people or schools will really break down what's what for everyday people. About how to make this technology useful in your daily living. At least not without a great price and large chunks of your time. But if you're oriented to degrees and such, then you're not who I'm speaking to exactly. There are hundreds of online universities waiting for such persons. I wish you the best! But frankly, my research strongly suggest that it is people like myself who are creating and innovating most of the changes now occurring on the internet. And I seek to share what I've learned with the average person.

What our participates will be taught, they most certainly will not find easily elsewhere. In other words, It does not matter who you are. When you attend our 'update', sessions, one thing will quickly become clear. You will begin to realize that you've been looking in the wrong direction. And you're not alone. But now you can proceed from a very solid perspective. Check!

It's All About Choosing A Platform That Works For You: Facebook, Myspace, Blogger, etc.

Which platform will you choose in order to place some of the many exciting gadgets, widgets and useful features that are now starting to emerge almost daily from innovative, developer / entrepreneurs the world over.

Now regular people are designing really useful and practical widgets that, when added to your business oriented blog, website or podcast, your business brand / impression will look far more professional than those souls who don't know what a widget is.

When you attend our next, 'Virtual Learning Update Session', you will know how to correctly begin to involve yourself and teach those around you how to approach this type of learning.

Blog Professor and staff will roll-out a breathtaking, cutting-edge selection of blog related features and ad ons that most of you attending never knew existed. Using the pioneering
'creative-conversations style/format', that was invented and developed by Sy Bounds & Doug Larson, some years back @ Sy's Jazz Cafe. This is important, because creative conversations recognizes that most people have already made up their mind, before they really listen to what you are saying.Creative conversation allows us to approach one another and listen to the other person, before we make a judgment.

Actually, almost anyone can start a blog. And do it for free. It's the configuration that requires talent, skill or art. Perhaps all 3 and more. Blogging has no respect for your formal education, your wealth or your background. It's a whole new world, that's very approachable, learning friendly and fascinating beyond description. If you can put your pride or ego aside ( and that will make the difference), and follow the correct step by step procedures in order to get a proper blog up an running. Once you pay close attention at the very basic starting point. Your ideas will soar, like nothing that you've ever thought of.

You will be far ahead of most people as we are quickly advancing toward a very social and interactive digital future. Because you took the time to learn the basic procedures, blogging will then allow you ( if you're open) to create and implement business plans, ideas, events, fundraisers, advertising promotions, short video ads, audio ads, online team meetings, family reunions, work from home jobs, online town hall meetings, food drives, church activities, block club meetings and I could go on and on. An intelligent use of blogging will elevate you, your family and friends. To ignore blogging is not a smart thing to do.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Refer Your School or Business Associates & Receive $$$

Those who successfully refer students to our monthly info sessions will receive ADDITIONAL features on their blogs for your efforts. Call 773-633-4193 for details

Welcome To The Future Of New Learning Online / Weekly Sessions Live @ CRDDC

Blog Professor Informs Thru Virtual Information Clinics & Update Sessions for Current & Emerging Digitally Interactive Multimedia Learning Methods for Local Small Businesses, Schools (public & private, and organizations).

Others who can benefit greatly from many, new interactive multimedia learning methods are: Work at home moms, couples, striving entrepreneurs and artists of all types. People who see themselves as artist or crafters are truly missing out on selling their works without a lot of effort. Blogs are tailor-made to promote things artistic. Blog Professor has developed many strategies as well researched a wealth of current & emerging gadgets & features that will truly upgrade many current areas where your staff or students requires new ideas and new knowledge in order to participate in todays fast moving technological environment. Guessing will insure that you fall further behind.

Blog Professor & staff encourages any and all technology related questions that you may have. And you don't have to wait until our monthly..... The Weekly Info launch Q & A Sessions! You should send your questions

  • We will either send your answer or answers back via email
  • Or we will answer your question or questions at 'The Weekly Info Launch Q & A Sessions.